Coaching and Career Support

Take aim towards next career steps - use our expertise in strenghtening your position for your professional goals!

 Our Experience is the asset for the HR-Coaching and Career Support!

The Senior Consultants of the EXECUTIVE SERVICES GROUP in Karlsruhe share their recruiting experience and their insights into the recruiting processes with people interested in changing their jobs.

Our Coaching approach meets our high value expectations. It combines our know-how in filling in specialist and management positions over many years with our vast experience in evaluating on a daily basis incoming application documents as well as leading numerous face-to-face job interviews with candidates.

We offer you a professional Coaching – committed to empathy, trust and discretion!

Coaching – a Reliable Support for Your Next Career Decision

Based upon our long time experience as headhunters and personnel coaches we set up different Coaching modules to cover 100% of your demands. There is no standard procedure or method we apply but an agile process oriented on the individual demand and requests of the addressee, adopted upon need.

What is the benefit of an individual Coaching – booked by a candidate or even by employers?

In the course of a job-related new challenge or a transformation you have to reflect the potential changes versus the individual mind set.

Sometimes an objective point of view of a coach with respect to the expectations of the market is helpful, especially when it comes to estimate management skills required in a future position. Thus both you and your employer take advantage of the Coaching.

In a personal exchange we will gain an overview sight on your current professional experience and discuss your outlook and possible career goals setting up a plan to how to set the stage for your next job related steps.

Take action in time to find new perspectives and job opportunities!

Our consulting modules that you can book individually are adaptable according to your demand. We usually charge by hour, but also as a lump fee – up to you and the need.

Quick online consulting: You have a concrete question referring to a professional problem as e.g. checking or elaboration of application documents or checking of recommendation letters?

Intensive Coaching:

Enhancing your professional action competence in a one-on-one context. We offer you support in analysing you current position and your strengths and compare the skills and the experience with the demand on the market. Further we help you optimise your application documents and are your sparring partner in a simulated job interview.

We will discuss weak points and if necessary we will push you out of your “comfort zone” and motivate you towards getting active.

If requested we try to actively place your anonymous profile on the market by getting in touch with companies from your short list.

Diagnostics of suitability by INSIGHTS MDI®: one of the most prestigious international personality analysis tools. Thus you will get to know your own strengths and weaknesses better especially if you are a manager or plan to engage in your first leading role. We are accredited INSIGHTS MDI®-coaches.

Take the reliable professional Career Coaching as an important and valuable investment in your future, investment which often multi amortises in the first year.

On this note, feel free to contact us! The first exchange is certainly free and noncommittal.

Your Career Coach in Karlsruhe – SHH Personalberatung OHG, Partner of the EXECUTIVE SERVICES GROUP